Yesterday, I uploaded a part of my recent Cyprus tracks and already improved the streets in an around Tochni. Still need to use the photos I took to add the greek street names as well.
protopyte's Diary
Recent diary entries
The Karthause in Koblenz was still lacking many streets and footways. I did two runs with my bike on the weekend to track another part of it. There is still a part missing, though, and other streets need verification.
Another bike trip - first to the industrial area of Neuwied.
On the way back I did a complete tracking of Kaltenengers.
There were already a handful of streets in OSM. Corrected some and added the missing ones.
Koblenz Moselweiß was missing several streets. So I did another weekend run on my bike to verify the existing streets and add the missing ones. Also mapped the service roads surrounding the hospital 'Kemperhof'.
All streets should be present now but still not all speed limits and restriction are assigned. There are quite a lot.
Over the last month I made several bike trips to Güls to track all the unmapped streets. After recovering from a flue I was now able to finish the last part around the camp ground. I also mapped Bisholder which only had one street so far.
Completed the tour by also visiting the nearby air field of Winningen.
During a short trip to Toscana, I mapped the streets of Bagno Vignoni - a small and beautiful village with thermal springs.
On the first two week-ends of November I went 3 times to Rübenach with my bike to track the streets of Rübenach which were at that time, besides the major roads, completely missing in OSM.