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kwame ghanaba's Diary

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Let's not repeat it!!

Posted by kwame ghanaba on 5 May 2008 in English.

My hopes were high when I read about OpenStreetMap. I thought that for the first time there is a place in the mapping world where every bit of the earth surface is treated equally. This feeling was short lived as I navigated away from my address in the UK to my place of birth, the city of Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa. It was then that I experience again the pain in the truth contain in this statement; "that's just the way it is, some things will never change". This statement has been used in poems, speeches and songs. This statement is familiar to a lot of people. But for people like myself who continually live and struggle to break free from that other side of life on earth where some things are not changing, we sings these songs, listen to these speeches, read these poems but believe that some way somehow, some of these barriers will begin to break. We have fervent hope in the Open Source movement. So I urge OpenStreetMap to do something about the lack of aerial photo backgrounds in some of these places. Let nothing stand in the way of the movement of change. Open Source!!

Location: Alperton, London Borough of Brent, London, Greater London, England, HA0 1HA, United Kingdom