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Pathology 101 – A primer into a new science

where’s slice0 when you want him? This could be a great party!


just wished that whoever added the buildings would also check and correct issues of those buildings intersecting with streets instead of just leaving.

First day - my neighborhood is out of date!

download streetcomplete app on android. maybe on iphone too.

On Notes and Local Knowledge

The main osm page can show notes. Choose the appropriate layer from the side bar.

I have the tendency to close notes that’s half a decade old. Apparently nobody’s around to help verify, so I declutter the map. Also some people uses note as a personal drawing board but never bothered to check up on it later on. For example, the ‘trace around here’ notes that doesn’t go away even after the area has been completed.

What should the default access tags for England and Wales be?

pedestrian <> footway ?

Boycotting OSM over SOTM 2024's tacit support of LGBTQ criminalization

I was hoping that the original post wasn’t so slanderous. But nope, nobody seems to notice that except a few. Oh well. Back to mapping.

A more inclusive mapping party setup, for same-day imagery collection and mapathons.

Opencamera is pretty much the only app I use, the intervalometer function is essential. And depending what I am doing (personal survey and such, instead of recording for Kartaview/mapillary), I really dig the stamp GPS coordinate feature so that I don’t have to open image properties to check out the exif tags.

I set the shutter speed, ISO and aperture manually, usually setting high shutter speed since I need to minimize movement blur during capture from a moving car. Shooting perpendicular to car movement (at higher speed) is almost hopeless though since the sensor readout is too slow to prevent blurring small details like street names etc, especially house numbers.

Another bonus is the ability to trip the shutter through bluetooth. A cheapo bluetooth transmitter only costs pennies these days.

I also have a sony a6000 that provided fabulous photos with tons of details, but I am pretty scared to use it extensively. I fear that its internals will be shaken to bits by car vibrations.

A more inclusive mapping party setup, for same-day imagery collection and mapathons.

One thing to check with Opencamera - infinity focus doesn’t necessarily work with all phones. On mine ( older Mi Max) it is blurry. I have to either set manual focus, or focus lock on a distant object to get sharp photos. Of course, the included factory camera app is sharper but lacks other features you mentioned for OSM photo surveying.

Cellphone photo GPS tagging

In josm you can open photos with gps information. When you select and open a whole bunch of them (say after a road trip), they’ll show up on their own layer. Sometimes, some of the photos doesn’t really match with the location shown against aerial imagery in JOSM, especially those taken from inside a moving car. You can adjust the photo layer offset etc, but doesn’t really apply in my case since most of the other photos are accurately gps tagged.

So, it’s not really gps tagging on OSM like you asked, rather using gps tagged photos in an OSM editor to improve the map.

A Local Knowledge Dilemma? - A Data-Driven Alert for OSM

in my experience ‘local knowledge’ sometimes just mean that they map it from Google streetview. :)

Regarding OSM GPS Traces

My take.

1) how poor is poor? if it’s off by 10 meters, might as well try again some other time with better gps setup. But if it is going to be the only gps track for the trail then just go for it.

2) don’t know who has the power to do the long overdue cleanup. Probably going to face some serious protest from those uploaders.

3) not appropriate. imo..

4) see #2

Ambush of OpenStreetMap Hut

I wonder if it’s the individualism trait prevalent in western societies that prevents the adoption of an official structured tagging schemes – you know the me, me part. Especially considering this is an ‘open’ project which many takes it as every contribution is equal unlike a company like google which can dictate how their data is tagged.
It’s sad really, there’s no shortage of database experts in osm world (for example bushmank) who already laid out instances on how tagging schemes/structures should look like.

Shall you buy an Insta360 X3 camera for street-level imagery?

There is Kartacam which seems to provide more detailed photos but i don’t know whether they sell them to the public. Personally, with the above setup I’d forego the 360 thing and just use 4 images with different camera directions.

Mapping Pyongyang: a work of patience

Wonder how you get the boundary data for the district? In my country I don’t think there is any officially available district boundary data, and even then somehow people drew them (i knew where they got them though).

Need help with complicated route on Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur

takde gambor weh..

OSM is...... (OSM은......)

Nobody. You’re lucky if you can even bring this up in the community forum.

Colonizing Hanoi

I’d mostly map what I think OSM is initially made for - vehicle navigation and the corresponding poi/landmarks that’s useful for it. Don’t plan to make it pretty, but just functional and light enough so that it can be used on older phones. That’s how I try to avoid burnout.

Newish L5 gps phone testing.

I don’t know whether the base station data is available for the public for free.

When I was in surveying, the official JUPEM gps/surveyed data and whatnot requires a subscription - $1k/year if I am not mistaken. A private correction signal (sms/gprs) based is also available presumably to customers that bought South gps survey sets although we saw a tiny difference in recorded values compared to JUPEM’s.

Simple Tips #1

The problem is (if I understand the recent issue correctly) that osmose is giving warning about low poly rivers, hence any new-ish mappers might start smoothing out bends and stuff..

Removing quantity= tags from pitches in the San Francisco Bay Area

I would just map 3 leisure pitches = tennis and be done with that. I like simple stuff :)