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Public GPS Traces from k5dru

by k5dru in trail

Around the nature preserve at Chautaqua Bottoms

by k5dru in trail

brush hill preserve walking

by k5dru in trail

pyles fork preserve walking

by k5dru in trail, nature

Around the nature preserve at Chautaqua Bottoms

by k5dru in nature, trail

trail at chataqua bottoms

by k5dru in nature, trail

Fernlands Nature Preserve

by k5dru

Cove Hollow trail

by k5dru in trail

Devils Den Styx and Stones 2023

by k5dru in OT

Brown Creek to Flatside on OT

by k5dru

parking lot at stome dam creek, traced thrice

by k5dru in paved, trail, walking, dog

new stone dam creek trail 2022-11-04

by k5dru in sylamore, 25k

a slow 25k on the sylamore trail

by k5dru

Kenny Vernon Nature Trail on Bell Sough WMA

by k5dru

Kenny Vernon Nature Trail on Bell Sough WMA

by k5dru in oht

OHT Sylamore Section 06

by k5dru in oht

OHT Sylamore Section 05

by k5dru in oht

OHT Sylamore Section 04

by k5dru in oht

OHT Sylamore Section 03

by k5dru in oht

OHT Sylamore Section 02

by k5dru in oht

OHT Sylamore Section 01