
Public GPS Traces from jim_r

by jim_r

final day

by jim_r

from Santa

by jim_r

to sangta

by jim_r

now on our own

by jim_r

splitting pt

by jim_r

from charka

by jim_r

from 2 rivers

by jim_r

from Tinje

by jim_r

to tinje

by jim_r

from khoma

by jim_r

leaving saldang

by jim_r

over the top

by jim_r

from bhijer

by jim_r

to Bhijer

by jim_r

from shey

by jim_r

tow Shey

by jim_r

from rivers camp

by jim_r

from poksumundo

by jim_r

around poksumundo

by jim_r

to ringmo