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Detecting missing ways in OSM from Strava heat maps

Hi Luzandro, I know that there are many false positives near sport centers, but sometimes they are real issues, because the “leisure=track” is missing. About the tasks database: In early versions, only one missing way per strava tile was detected, so if there was a false positive, other missing ways could not be detected. But I improved the algorithm, and now several missing ways can be detected in a single tile. So I have have to check if the database is still useful.

Detecting missing ways in OSM from Strava heat maps

No ! See!

Détection de chemins manquants dans OSM à partir des cartes de chaleur Strava

Hi Binnette, I just started to wriite this article, it is not finished !

RTK test, Aerial pictures accuracy, and OSM Database Accuracy

Broadcom has announced a new GPS receiver chip (BCM4775X) that uses two frequency bands. They claim a 30 cm precision. See:

If true, this precision would be good enough for OSM.