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Mapper since:
February 05, 2011
Last map edit:
July 18, 2024

I live in Germany and do mapping in countries I once have travelled to (Bolivia, Peru, Central Asia, Russia, Italy) - also areas I plan to visit - sometimes also areas I’m interested in. Especially I try to improve the map in the Cilento area (Italy, Campania, province of Salerno), which means gathering information from public souces, going there myself, keeping the map free of map notes by trying to resolve them. So if you like something to be corrected, added or improved you may just leave a map note there an I will probably soon show activity.

I do mapping of certain railway features using satellite images as well as information provided by the railway companies (timetables) or railway enthusiats. If I find something interesting around on aereal images which is missing on osm I might add this as well. This is just for fun and also to learn something about other countries.

If I plan to travel somewhere I try to prepare osm in order to later use the map myself. Just leave me a note if you think I’m doing wrong things. I will make the corrections as soon as I get back home.

I can be contacted in German, English, Russian or Italian.

Vengo dalla Germania e dal 2004 sono stato nel Cilento circa 12 volte ed ho esplorato percorsi di trekking. Ho pubblicato i miei itinerari su, e sotto il nome utente “Chajim”. Lavoro intensamente come mappatore di “openstreetmap” per il Cilento, perché voglio usare questa mappa per i miei progetti futuri. Controllo i suggerimenti della mappa per vedere se ho commesso degli errori e anche per ottenere nuove informazioni. Tradotto con (versione gratuita)