- Mapper since:
- January 16, 2008
- Last map edit:
- April 01, 2021
I’m interested in mapping quite broadly from the side of personal hobby to institutional uses to OSM on really any topic. I also love helping other individuals, communities or organizations to use or/and contribute to OSM.
I was quite active with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) during the 2010-2016 which I lived in Haiti and Nicaragua and served in the HOT Board 2014-2015. Since moving back to my native Finland I’ve also transited into a casual mapper remaining keen interest in mapping for international development and humanitarian needs.
If you want to contact me please send me a note via the form below, email me at jaakko (ät) helleranta {dot} com or see my profile via http://jaakko.helleranta.com for other ways to contact me.
I can understand and communicate French and Spanish somewhat ok – but don’t ask me to explain you detailed things in neither language unless we are meeting in person!
P.S. If you read this and you don’t have any information on your own OSM profile, please consider adding something about you. It’s an excellent way to build trust and connection withing the OSM community.
My OSM wiki user page is http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:JaakkoH