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well, i’ve mapped on both locations..


but if you want to learn something about climate change and its consequences, you better chose to travel to vunidogoloa.

recently some user ask me ..

Posted by googlenaut on 22 September 2021 in English. Last updated on 27 September 2021.

how do you make those 3d-models, especially the more complex structures? .. here’s my reply.

Well, it’s an ambitious task to to it but it isn’t so superhard as it seems. The main difficulty is to get hi-res satellite imagery and some information on building levels and height. Another difficulty comes from the blind modelling approach in JOSM. You can get some help from the Kendzi3d Plugin, but I don’t make use of it. So it’s always a little surprise what the rendering engines does with the uploaded changeset. I’m not a big fan of commercial F4mapDemo with its animated objects. I prefer to see good results on OSMbuildings and OSMgo

I usually start with a floorplan, which could be found on wikipedia or other building related websites. You can resize it to match your favourite scale. When it comes to building parts i make use of the building symmetry. The roof shapes could be estimated from the hi-res satellite imagery. But there’s no height information apart from the shaddow length. So if there’s nothing on wikipedia, emporis, streetview or other, I use some photogrammetry tricks to get the information I need. I often combine some simple structures to achive a higher complexity. But I try to keep it as simple as possible. I also avoid to use multi-polygons, cause their roof will never be rendered the way I want it. Finally i check that all parts won’t overlap with the building outline and put everything in a single building relation. That’s it.

Crazy Roofing with Simple 3D Buildings

Posted by googlenaut on 14 July 2021 in English. Last updated on 15 July 2021.

wanna learn something about mapping complex roofs instead of using roof:shape=many? .. well, follow me to france and checkout Château de Chambord.

issue warning: Some tags like roof:shape=round are still unsupported by 3d-rendering-engines, but using osm-minecraft-ing style here isn’t a good idea either. There’s also some overlap warning after editing, but thats pretty normal on this level of difficulty.

Location: 41250, Les Pavés, Tour-en-Sologne, Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, Metropolitan France, France