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elvin ibbotson's Diary

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mom is 1.2.3..... GO!

Posted by elvin ibbotson on 1 May 2008 in English.

After weeks of development and some brilliant testing, suggestions and help from a few good men (you know who you are) the first release version (v.1.2.3) of mom is now available for anyone to download and use. You can get it at the website, and give me your feedback, bug reports and suggestions at the wiki page,



Posted by elvin ibbotson on 12 March 2008 in English.

I've been spending a lot of time with mom lately - mobile open map.

This is a mobile phone application for viewing OpenStreetMap, tracking a Bluetooth GPS, making and following routes, finding and saving places, saving tracklogs and even taking photos!

It is working now but not yet thoroughly tested and I am inviting people to try it out, try to break it, and let me know what they like/don't like, what improvements/features they suggest.

Anyone interested should contact me for a trial copy.