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More neighborhood building 'texture'

Posted by edgehillnet on 23 November 2010 in English. Last updated on 24 November 2010.

I've started fleshing out the neighborhood where someone set up a large coarse retail district, I'm refining the edges and adding some residential too at different levels of detail to see what works. No way I'm going to do a huge area but maybe someone will get inspired or I'll figure out easier methods. I'm tagging mostly landuse=retail or residential and frankly, that's a lot of work first sketching off the aerial photos then filling in the tags for each one (can't it remember and repeat what the last one was?).

Probably there's a more suiable interface I don't about know yet... One challenge is learning the behavior of how to edit large polygons, using the scissors tool to crack them open and highlighting nodes to delete, clicking on the loose end to add more, etc. I lost some big outlined areas doing that once! and sometimes they don't quite close so they won't render. It would be great if the edit mode showed open traces different than closed because you can tell until going into view mode.

I did discover that I can get other store types to render by adding a name tag to the building outline which is nice. I'm using google street view for some field checking and just from memory, plus there are a lot of stores shown as point data so I'm moving those points where the front door is in front of the building rather than enter as tags on the building outline. I'm not sure which is the best way to go for that, some playgrounds and parks have both and they render the name twice which is a mess and I deleted the points in those cases, it still puts a playground icon in with the outline tagged properly.

The area I'm working on is 24th and Diamond, you can click the view link below then you need to zoom in. I guess this permalink is more useful:

Here's another person's approach across the country:
I changed a couple buildings from their building=yes to landuse=retail. If I keep their building=yes it just renders a subtle outline so I deleted the building tag on a couple to show the difference.

Location: Noe Valley, Mission District, San Francisco, California, United States

Getting Started

Posted by edgehillnet on 21 November 2010 in English.

Well I discovered this a couple days ago and am having fun. I've done maps of the neighborhood over the last 21 years, for example this one with acrylic paint on canvas:

I have worked with custom google maps, and that's handy but not very good looking and all you can do is put those little balloon tacks on, no way to label anything. You can draw but no accessible attributes... OSM is better looking but very limited in what you can get to render, and there seems to be no way to add custom annotations, only standard geographic features.

I'm interested in mapping the parks, stairways, paths and natural areas. It would be great to map more of the land use also like the retail districts are highlighted, similar to the one I linked above. SFprospector has that zoning info, which I've done a map kind of like that before in AutoCAD years ago. Theoretically the city data might be made available for direct import. I would correct it to reflect actual conditions though, so the result would be something that gives you a picture of the texture of the landscape, whether an area is single family homes or big apartment blocks, industrial, etc. Same for open spaces; forest, brush, grassland, irrigated park, etc.