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We need Y O U for for OSMs wiki! - OR - Is our wiki healthy?

If marking "out of date" or "cleanup" etc, just a few words of why you think so might be helpful, otherwise marking work may do more offence than good.

130 in 12 weeks

I didn't quote a number for new signees. I quoted a number for existing mappers, from a mail on
So the calculation about the 12,500 mappers.
If I was to be concerned about the average 38 mappers per day quoted on then my numerator would be the two or 3 hundred thousand persons signed up to OSM in total.

And the ODbL - actually I have read it.
It says one OR the other. It doesn't say who decides, and then it is decided by courts and lawyers. If the licence was fully written out, it would say at whose discretion you got a planet dump or got a script.

Worldwide edits

Although the tags in OSM were intended to be the same the world over, they are not in actual use the same. So any person sitting in one country decreeing how anything is mapped in another is going to run into complaints. People have used tags in slightly different ways all around the world. You cannot just change somethings and expect all of the changes to reflect the situation on the ground. Some will be correct and some will be wildly inaccurate.

Slow response in Potlatch

You should be aware that when it is nighttime at my place it is daytime across the other side of the globe.
It is impossible for a bot to "run at nighttime" because it is always daytime somewhere.

Sally Army

As an occasional visitor to my local Salvation Army Citadel it is primarily a place of worship. The other functions are secondary. Most churches do have community centres and offices attached.
The local Sikh Temple also has a community centre and basic accommodation, but it also primarily a place of worship.
Make another thread for scout hall - or join the tagging mailing list

My work has gone down the tubes!!

Vic, email the person. welcome him to OSM and note that he has altered some of your work. Offer to assist him, and remind him that tracing from google is not permitted.
Don't start altering anything to 'before' status yet, some people can do automated reverts but if you haven't had a chance to explain to him he will be upset too.

iPhone GPS users?

Welcome to OSM. Handheld GPS has become more accurate, but my surveyor son is not really impressed with the accuracy compared to the commercial gear he is using.
I don't use a phone GPS but a purpose built unit.

What to do when "your" road conflicts with someone else's view of it.

Start asking.
Ask the mapper who put down the first trace and the way about its accuracy. Compare with the accuracy of your work.
Ask the Council where the road changes names.
Ask the residents which road they live in.
Just ask.

OpenStreetMap's newest marketing campaign!

But lakeyboy, I can't recognise you !

Commemorative Permanent Survey Mark

It's a survey mark
It's of type permanent
and it's subtype commemmorative.
The site doesn't mention all the survey marks in Qld, just the Commemmorative ones, which are marked with the co-ordinates. Normal State survey markers and permanent markers don't have that information on them.

The Queue is full

801 pages of tracks, max 20 per page
163 pages just of doroba tv still to be processed
about 11 hour delay, even with the input stopped

automated GPX upload has been stopped

I presume that is related to
If you manually upload traces you would realise that at about 6, the server asks you to wait for the queue to clear.
If you are going to automatically upload traces you need to put some wait time in the automated upload to let other traces on.

automated GPX upload has been stopped

I presume that is related to
If you manually uplaod traces you would realise that at about 6, the server asks you to wait for the queue to clear.
If you are going to automatically upload traces you need to put some wait time in the automated upload to let other traces on.


if you can use irc you would probably do best on one of the osm cahnnels
Start now with a search on the osm wiki for JOSM

I'm new user!


Organisation - let's make it happen!

Marco, thanks for your concerns, but they are misplaced. I guess that you are much younger than I, and have been schooled in the world of "management". There are other ways to have things happen than to "manage" them. This is an anarchist group, with certain individuals having key access to some assets. It works in its own way, through trust and communication, in an extremely decentralised way. I suggest you take a few months to study the way this organisation actually works, and come back about Christmas time to tell us your views.

Spam in the Diary

there are several, all from the same source, which makes it worse

Spam in the Diary

there are several, all from the same source, which makes it worse


spam, duplicated


not only spam but inaccurate drug use descriptions