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Public GPS Traces from donaldnewlands

by donaldnewlands

gravel ride near Mt. Hood

by donaldnewlands

Short MTB ride at Klootchy Creek

by donaldnewlands

Bike Ride in Clatsop County

by donaldnewlands

Bike ride around Gearhart, OR

by donaldnewlands

Ride around Cullaby Lake and Ft Clatsop

by donaldnewlands

Gravel bike ride in Washington County, OR

by donaldnewlands

Gearhart to Klootchie via Lewis and Clark and S Little Fork

by donaldnewlands

Buxton Stubb Baconia

by donaldnewlands

north of north plains

by donaldnewlands

From Gearhart to Youngs around Saddle and back on 300 Line

by donaldnewlands

Gearhart to Klootchie

by donaldnewlands

Up 300, Ft Stevens, back through the dunes

by donaldnewlands

Bike ride trace showing new route of Lewis and Clark Mainline

by donaldnewlands in Oregon, Park, cycle, trails

Fort Stevens Park

by donaldnewlands in Oregon, Park, cycle, trails

Fort Stevens Park