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dns10's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by dns10

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 2532215 dns10

Need a consistent naming system with the other CCF buildings. I personally think adding access details in the name is not the best way to do it. Perhaps there is another key for that.

Open to ideas before I change this and the southern parking garages too.

closed 2709496 dns10

While this is a fun symbol for the renderer, I think the castle tag should be removed for this. Maybe a historical tag instead?

closed 2701779 dns10

Need help designating this part of the trail here. Should the Towpath way also have a bridge key? Or leave that alone because one already exists for Carter Road

closed 2530585 dns10

Some weird paths here with Euclid. Also what is the best way to represent bus lanes? Why a separate "service road"?

closed 2584076 dns10

Need help with the mounds. Tried to add as multipolygon and park but not sure if I'm doing it right. Think it's something noticeable and prominent enough to be rendered and labeled but it's not showing up on tiles

closed 2297575 submitted note from a business:
name: Limelight
phone: 216-350-4440
twitter: undefined
hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
category: ,Coworking Spaces,Shared Office Spaces
address: 2515 Jay Avenue cleveland ohio

closed 1786612 skorasaurus

obtain a street name for this alley here.