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dcp's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by dcp

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January 17

If it is there then it should be mapped. Having said that, I have had some of my survey work in OSM eliminated, although visible in Google. Makes you wonder what some people have/want to hide, doesn’t it?

Reflections on 10 years of a changing Open Source Map

Just brilliant what you have achieved. I am a 9 year old OSMer, i.e. started in 2008 but otherwise a very old man, maybe one of the oldest. Having had my own similar OSM odyssey but with different tools and the same results. However your efforts are a quantum jump ahead of mine. You have my respect!

Mapping Swadlincote (Derbyshire) only by strolls

@Sam Wilson:

My favorite Data Collection tool in the field is the Garmin Virb Elite action camera.

Each picture has the coordinates stored in the EXIF extension, which can be edited either by an external editor ( e.g. EXIF Pilot) or internally in JOSM with the ​photo_geotagging plug-in.

All visible attributes are therefore available for editing on the screen where they should be!

GSoC Diary: Conclusion

To Polyglot and n42k.

Thanks to both of you for your response. I’ll just have to be patient, won’t I?

GSoC Diary: Conclusion


  1. I am a bit confused. What has a “Google summer of code” got to do with OSM?

  2. If I do create Wavefront OBJ in Blender, how do I add them to OSM?

  3. What renderers are available that would recognize and render them? Would F4 demo do the job?

I would like to understand if the whole chain of events is possible before I start learning how to create OBJs in Blender.

GSoC Diary: Conclusion

n24k: Thanks. I have downloaded Blender and it seems I have a lot of leaning before me. I would like to model the most important buildings in my small town and add them to OSM. I assume that Blender is suitable for this purpose. As I am a complete novice it will take time of course. Have you any further hints. Note: I see there are tutorials so I assume that it would be wise to start with them.

GSoC Diary: Conclusion

This is a real dumb question. What software do yo need to create these 3D models fit for OSM?

Does anyone even check what HOTOSM contributors leave behind?

I have only contributed to one or two HOT requests and I did not return as I thought (maybe wrongly) that the quality of the data being added was mostly wrong and/or worthless to the HOT mission in question and to OSM as well.

I also considered the HOT specific tagging lacked the connection to the HOT team request and therefore there was very little chance of it being corrected or removed.

Here is one example:

HOT requested the users to identify possible helicopter landing pads. This is almost impossible to do using Bing as you cannot judge the ground inclination but I tried anyway. If these pads had a specific HOT tag then they could easily be removed once the HOT task in question is declared over by the HOT authorities (or an OSM user volunteer).

Examples of specific HOT-tags:

Notes save lives.

Well done and thanks.

Weekly roundup of edits

There are two comments to your changes pertinent to


Hadjer Lamis, Chad - Tracing guide (villages and buildings)

user=carlitos gomez has already added nodes tagged with place=hamlet. Would it be sufficient to add a second tag with structures=n. It would be very quick to do, but is it sufficient for your purpose? Can you provide a boundary box. We don’t want to do more than required!

Nonsense values of shop= key

When I joined OSM in 2008, most of my home town was a white space. Being retired and needing something to do I started mapping but it would have been impossible to collect all the related OSM data using all the right tags at that beginning.

There was no Bing or anything similar in those days so it was a Garmin and Dictaphone. It did not worry me in any way that my data was incomplete or faulty though! After 8 years other locals have signed up and improved on my original entries, geometrical, geographically and tagging.

Isn’t that what it is all about BushmanK? Please, just carry on surveying and improve the data. Remember that the mapping standards are often different from country to country and some mappers go to extraordinary lengths to map useless things; eg a roller coaster track, where a single node would do the job.

Sanderd17 comment is extremely relevant: In Belgian they understand what is needed and meant.

PS A shop selling flowers, gifts and alcohol could be defined as shop=florist;gift;alcohol couldn’t it? A good renderer could cope with this syntax!

Platte River now has banks

Please don’t confuse newbies! area=riverbank should not exist: Try waterway=riverbank

Instant Marquee Hire

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Don't know what to think of it of this research

IMHO he should not get his Master degree just because of his behavior. An academic does not destroy the work of others!

Der Stadtplandienst mit neuer Technik und OpenStreetMap ist online


It is a town map using OSM data showing the different aspects of OSM in overlays.

Have a look and play with it: It shows where OSM could end up eventually and it has been produced by the town’s administrators, i.e. the bureaucrats.

Has any town done it better?

Give us your favourite links.

Observations during a HOT task

Thanks to all of you for responding to my observations: You are a wonderful group and all your opinions are, of course, valid.

I did contact the newbies and they did positively respond.

It would be nice if some of the NGOs would give us some feedback on the quality of our efforts but I suppose they have higher priority tasks to do. That is why they are on the spot, sometimes risking their lives!

Observations during a HOT task

The width of the truck tracks were easily visible due to the two tyre markings. Yes, they did disappear under trees now and again but one can assume that if the tracks are identifiable for one sector then they they will carry on underneath the foliage.

IMHO if two vehicles travelling in opposite directions cannot pass each other without one of them going off-road then it should be defined as a track even if the HOT instructions state otherwise!

Paths of about 1 meter width were also identifiable as such and they often connected different homesteads.

On this HOT task, highway width could usually be measured in JOSM.

This is a personal opinion: If you cannot recognise the highway classification then you should default to the lower class.

Please remember that the probability that anyone corrects our HOT data inputs from a survey is pretty remote. These are vast areas with no OSM contributors on the ground.

Another data input which we were asked for was to identify potential helicopter landing pads (near the homesteads) and tag them with leisure=common. No information was available as to the minimum diameter (I asked). It was not possible to judge the slant but that is OK: The pilot has to make his own judgment.

Of course I complied but I don’t like the idea of entering data into the database that is wrong. Who is going to remove it? If the HOT team want this information then we should have a special tag for this purpose that can easily be globally removed. What I mean is something like:



It's elegant they said. It will be eaiser to change street names they said.

Like Sanderd17 I see no advantage in using associatedstreet relation and for exactly the same reasons. Get rid of it!