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Public GPS Traces from davespod

by davespod

Tudor Drive

by davespod

Moss Drive

by davespod

Centenary Way

by davespod in Newport, Shropshire

Centenary Way

by davespod in Newport, Shropshire

Wright Avenue, Newport

by davespod

Diverted footpath, Chetwynd Gate estate, Newport

by davespod

Shuker Field

by davespod

Walk from Church Aston to Station Road

by davespod

Walk from Station Road to Church Aston

by davespod

Springfield Stores, Newport

by davespod in Newport, Shropshire, residential

Wright Ave, Newport, Shropshire

by davespod

Granville Ave to Newport News

by davespod

Broadway to Lapworth Way via Newport News

by davespod

High Street to Stafford Street car park

by davespod

POIs, Newport town centre

by davespod

Victoria Park to Fishers Lock, Newport

by davespod

St Mary's Street to Victoria Park, Newport

by davespod

Footpaths from Mr nr Norbroom Pk into Newport centre

by davespod

Norbroom Park footpaths

by davespod

Aqualate Mere