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cxs's Diary

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The missing link

Posted by cxs on 1 March 2011 in English.

I followed my intention to go on mapping along "Weiherburggasse" towards "Alpenzoo". With a little mapping to be done around "Hungerburg" and the already accomplished mapping of user borisC in "Mühlau" the missing link in the northern Innsbruck will be finally established soon. So therefore I consider sticking around "Höhenstraße" and moving on to "Hungerburg". Or, as I occasionally did before, drop by in the western parts of the city.

Besides that I added some appartments in the city of Klagenfurt due to a trip there last weekend.

Location: Vogelhütte, Hötting, Innsbruck, Tyrol, 6020, Austria

Hötting north-central

Posted by cxs on 22 February 2011 in English.

executed plan of addressing the northern center of Hötting to the very end of "Dorfstraße"; am now progressing towards "St. Nikolaus" once again which shall be my focus for the coming week; also reshaped buildings' outlines in "Innenstadt";

found it nice to watch user rappelling adding small-area details

Location: Vogelhütte, Hötting, Innsbruck, Tyrol, 6020, Austria

Hötting north-central

Posted by cxs on 15 February 2011 in English.

did some mapping [mainly buildings] between Höttinger Au, Inn river and Bachlehnerstraße first; am now continuing with drawing buildings and adding addresses in the northern center of Hötting; will presumably keep on doing so in the upcoming week;

borisC kept adjusting huge parts of Innsbruck [Pradl] to bing

Location: Vogelhütte, Hötting, Innsbruck, Tyrol, 6020, Austria

Innsbruck: going west

Posted by cxs on 8 February 2011 in English. Last updated on 15 February 2011.

dropped my intention to go on mapping around St. Nikolaus; instead continued placing buildings and addresses towards the west of Hötting; will likely go on in Höttinger Au with it;

also did some repositioning resp. refining on outlines of buildings using bing at a few spots in Innenstadt [e.g. main station +west, Maria-Theresien-Straße]; noticed that user borisC and companion did the same in a larger extent;

Location: Vogelhütte, Hötting, Innsbruck, Tyrol, 6020, Austria

Innsbruck: moving towards St. Nikolaus

Posted by cxs on 1 February 2011 in English.

used last week's first couple of days to map addresses, buildings and landuse areas in Wörgl;

set then focus on Hötting, Innsbruck again by mapping addresses and buildings along the streets towards St. Nikolaus; will continue adding houses and doing minor repositioning work to various objects in this area and/or towards the west;

Location: Sankt Nikolaus, Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria

spent the last couple of days with outlining and addressing buildings in Hötting, Innsbruck; narrow alleyways and idiosyncratic shaped buildings prevent a smooth workflow; still don't got the definite run of the underground stream there; plan to continue mapping in this area.

started with repositioning and reshaping buildings in Innenstadt, Innsbruck due to higher accuracy; completed a few blocks [east of university campus Innrain] so far; is at any rate a long-term issue.

added buildings and pitches on campus of the faculty of sports science in Fürstenweg.

proper addressing of Roßau, Innsbruck still isn't finished yet.

also continued with creating buildings incl addresses in Bodensiedlung, Wörgl; thereby found out that user moserhe4 had done [areas, addresses, houses, POIs] the entire place of Kundl within a few days -- quite amazing work!

going to keep focus on Hötting, will occasionally map in/around Wörgl

Location: Vogelhütte, Hötting, Innsbruck, Tyrol, 6020, Austria

Innsbruck-Saggen addressing

Posted by cxs on 12 January 2011 in English.

Completed addressing and outlining of buildings [mainly residential houses] in the area of Saggen, Innsbruck; will continue with fixing minor bugs [addressing, outlining, positioning] in the mentioned area as well as in Innenstadt, Innsbruck.

Plan to do the same in other areas of Innsbruck with low address coverage, e.g. Roßau, Hötting

Location: Schlachthof, Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria