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Public GPS Traces from cbhackmeyer

by cbhackmeyer

Walking some new trail segments at Grace Street Park.

by cbhackmeyer in osmand


by cbhackmeyer in osmand

Partial trace of a trail up a smaller fork of Mill Creek.

by cbhackmeyer in osmand

Little side trail along Mill Creek in Moab.

by cbhackmeyer in osmand


by cbhackmeyer

Walking part of the Noblett Lake "short loop" trail in Mark Twain National Forest. The current mapping of this trail section is quite inaccurate.

by cbhackmeyer in osmand


by cbhackmeyer

Rewalking some trails at the Joe Adair Center in Laurens, South Carolina.

by cbhackmeyer

Trail system in Joe Adair Center / Scout Creek Arboretum, Laurens, South Carolina

by cbhackmeyer

Newly constructed path linking Greenwood Heritage Trail to Liner Drive

by cbhackmeyer

Some sidewalks and foot paths around Lander Univesity campus in Greenwood, South Carolina.

by cbhackmeyer

Short steps and trail up from pond to parking area at Grace Street Park.

by cbhackmeyer

Short trail to some benches at Grace Street Park.

by cbhackmeyer

Trails in the north / northwest section of Grace Street Park.

by cbhackmeyer

Extra section of trail I missed at Grace Street Park the last time I was mapping there.

by cbhackmeyer

Walking pretty much all of the remaining unmapped sidewalks in uptown Greenwood.

by cbhackmeyer

Walking most of the unmapped trails in roughly the southeastern half of Grace Street Park.

by cbhackmeyer

Perimeter of the dog park area in Grace Street Park.

by cbhackmeyer

Biking from Self Regional to Greenwood Library, noting a few sidewalks and such.

by cbhackmeyer

Walking around Self Regional Medical complex, noting pedestrian infrastructure.