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abdul_4ts's Diary

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In a year...

Posted by abdul_4ts on 12 July 2022 in English.


It was a year ago on yesterday (July 10, 2022) since I joined the OSM community. I would say it’s been nice to be a part of this awesome community that intends changing the world through open data provision.


  • Fact that I became a part of the community of free data provision
  • Meeting friends on the same endeavor in the community


  1. Achieved both Intermediate and Advance Mapper status in my first year
  2. Mapped over 5k buildings, 100km waterways, 20km highways, close to 30 POIs, (on a close to 15hr mapping time)

It’s been GOOD

Location: Ayeduase, Oforikrom Municipal District, Ashanti Region, Ghana