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Victor LP's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Victor LP

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3973639 Victor LP

Check surroundings: aerial imagery suggests a bridge near Salve Mater buildings, and it is unclear from imagery whether the bent path near St Vincentius actually meets the Groot Park service street or has a fence / bends further

closed 4120434 Victor LP

It seems logically weird to me that this road would be part of the rwn (relation 1621539) if it's private and closed off by gates. Does the walking network run over this road?

closed 3973686 Victor LP

Is this Bunswijkpad or Brunswijkpad? Wegenregister has both...

closed 3947214

dit zou volgens de gegidste wandeling van Wildtrails dus geen privaat pad zijn, aangezien het op de stafkaarten staat.

closed 3863008 Victor LP

Resurvey Speelbergstraat / Borrestraat names and housenumbers - Wegenregister calls this street Borrestraat as well, but the houses along it are in Speelbergstraat according to CRAB

closed 3858412 Victor LP

Klopt het dat deze straat eenrichting is? Dit is niet zo aangekondigd voor zover ik kan zien.

closed 3569955 Victor LP

Is 'Kakbeek' the real name of this ditch? I cannot find any evidence online. Since it is offensive to an extent, I want to make sure that this is not vandalism.

closed 2505165 Victor LP

Why is this road name in German?

closed 1813743

Joris Helleputteplein (vorige plaats is fout)

closed 1822213

Het Jaartallenpad heeft per vergissing de tag 'water' gekregen.