Victor LP's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by Victor LP
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
963864 | De Edouard Remyvest is niet toegankelijk voor wagens. Er staan paaltjes. |
1257573 | Street has become two way from crossing with Kortrijksestraat until crossing with Raadhuislaan |
129263 | Polyglot | FKPnw position of node 80 needs verification |
129262 | Polyglot | FKPnw position of node 80 needs verification |
1104950 | Victor LP | There was a closed gate here a week ago, is this permanent? (access to Av. du Champoinnat/Kampioenschapsln. west of marker blocked) |
1104951 | Victor LP | There was a closed gate here a week ago, is this permanent? (access to the three streets NW/SW/NE of marker blocked) |
537573 | Victor LP | Shifted road (previous version should be restored) |