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Udarian's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Udarian

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4351009 Udarian

turn:lane tagging needed at this intersection (and what is likely needs updating).

open 4351007 Udarian

turn:lane tagging needed at this intersection (and what is likely needs updating).

open 4017898 Udarian

The spacing between doors 11 and 12 is off as per the Bing StreetSide available in iD.

open 4340037 Udarian

Parking for Detby aparthotel is here

open 4340034 Udarian

Derby Aparthotel

open 3384404 Jamie Southard

Miami 36

open 3641623 Udarian

new construction here, dont know what it is and some of it is not seen on the latest imagery so cannot be properly mapped without survey.

closed 3894438 Udarian

the website provided for this seems to longer exist, should this be removed then, if not, what should the amenity type be?

closed 4031786 Udarian

All Dade Lawn Mowers

Drove by the names all I saw

closed 3396896 Udarian

Entrance here

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