The anonymized ballots from yesterday’s OSMF board vote are available as a handy text file on OpaVote, so I decided to play around with them a bit. Here’s a breakdown of the rankings for each candidate:
I was also curious if people usually filled in the maximum of four slots, or left some of them blank. This is the result:
- 0 candidates: 11
- 1 candidates: 21
- 2 candidates: 124
- 3 candidates: 114
- 4 candidates: 219
So most people did indeed list 3 or 4 candidates! With STV, the third place can matter even if there are only two seats available, so it makes sense to fill it in. Nevertheless, I also looked more closely at the top two spots to see if there are any interesting correlations. Based on all ballots with at least 2 candidates, here’s the popularity of top two pairings (the order of candidate names carries no meaning):
- Heather/Joost: 166
- Paul/Joost: 136
- Paul/David: 46
- Heather/Paul: 43
- Joost/David: 33
- Heather/David: 33
If there are any other statistics you’re curious about, feel free to ask – if I find the time, I’ll be glad to run them. :)