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The Temecula Mapper's Diary

Recent diary entries

1000th Changeset

Posted by The Temecula Mapper on 13 September 2014 in English.

It took me some time, but I’ve hit the 1,000 changeset mark.

My 1000th changeset was done in the same area of my first edit, a bus station area in the small Southern California Inland town of Perris where a train route is being constructed.

I remember that one of my very first edits happen to be cutting 2nd Street at the tracks because the original TIGER data had that road going through to the other side.

Here are the fruits of my 1000th changeset:

Perris Station Transit Center

Happy mapping!

Down to the Border

San Ysidro Port of Entry area San Ysidro Port of Entry area

I was down in the San Ysidro area which is the southernmost suburb of San Diego, California a few weeks ago. I visited (but did not cross) the busiest worldwide land border crossing which separates the USA and Tijuana, Mexico. There were lots of features that I found which needed to mapped on the US side alone. In fact it took me 8 separate changesets to get all the data tagged into JOSM and uploaded to OSM. Anyway, here are some features:

San Ysidro Port area features:

  • San Ysidro Transit Center and surrounding bus stations.
  • Numerous fast food outets including the McDonald’s Trolley Station.
  • Tagged the bathrooms at the Trolley Station McD’s as a fee-based toilet.
  • Found and tagged a few other fast food outlets in the area including another McDonald’s–Customers can use those toilets free :)
  • Benches and drinking fountain amenities along the pathway to Mexico near the historic Old Customs House.
  • Drinking fountains at the transit station which are located under the pedestrian bridge.
  • Numerous Baja-Mex currency trading outlets.
  • Locations of border crossing parking lots.
  • Locations non-public parking lots which are tagged as “private” or “customer”.
  • Detailed-mapped area sidewalks, crossings and landscaping.
  • El Bordo, Tijuana - Known by some as “Deportee Purgatory” (loc_name), El Bordo is a makeshift shantytown within the dry mud and concrete Tijuana River between the Mexican port and downtown Tijuana. Unofficial estimated population is 2,000-3,000 according to sources. Added the neighborhood as a point of awareness.
  • Note that the address numbers, and some of the public bus stops, the transit station and a few shops and restaurants were already added by other OSM mappers.

By the way, construction upgrades of the San Ysidro port are moving along which includes operations of the new port office/station building, the shelter covering the northbound primary vehicle inspection area and the secondary inspection area shelter. The northbound pedestrian inspection area is what’s left of the previous port building. Also, the primary southbound inspection area on the US side now uses a temporary tent shelter. Across the border, the southbound Mexican port was moved alongside the Tijuana River a few years ago. US officials plan to realign the southbound lanes over the existing SVG Venture parking lot on the US side to better align the southbound lanes with the El Chaparral port.

If you’re planning on editing this region, please feel free to do. But keep in mind that the Bing and other satellite imagery are a few years old and most still show the previous port building, pedestrian bridge and southbound routing which are demolished and no longer there.

Happy mapping from The Temecula Mapper!

Location: San Ysidro, San Diego, California, 92173, United States

Good Day from Temecula, California!

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across the Night of the Living Maps Project:

If anybody's thinking about jumping aboard an all nighter on OSM on Tuesday night, here's what approximately 8 mapping hours worth of JOSM Bing traces would look like in the open country for a single mapper (the area started off with TIGER and GNIS data):

Sorry folks, this Temecula mapper can't be a zombie during the week...gotta work! But I've gave this countryside area east of Temecula nearly 8 hours of attention during last several days in dedication to Night of the Living Maps and plan to finish the rest of the Benton Road segment soon. Have fun on Tuesday!

Will be back in town wrapping up the detailed mapping of Temecula's Pechanga Parkway corridor once Benton Road is done.

Tip: Make sure you have an updated JOSM version with the 'F'-key shortcut feature which will make connecting the nodes of all of those natural areas much faster.

Location: GlenOak Hills, Riverside County, California, United States

Temecula CA Mapping News

Posted by The Temecula Mapper on 29 December 2011 in English.

Hey, everyone!

I haven't posted in my diary for a while, but have been busy putting new things on Temecula CA's map while maintaining the old stuff.

A special thanks to all of the 'visiting' contributors for photo surveying the street names and refining the tagging during the last several months. It took local knowledge, recording data while doing business at various places, conducting detailed surveys, the help of other mappers, and tracing the Bing Imagery to make this possible.

We'll I've got to get back to the map. Happy New Year!

Projects I'm currently doing:
Detailed mapping of the Temecula Parkway Corridor

Ongoing local data collection/updates

Recently Finished:
Temecula Parkway Corridor east of Margarita Road

Other Detailed Work:
Pechanga Resort & Casino Game/Restaurant Locations
--no, I do not gamble there :)

Old Town Temecula Shop Survey:

Temecula Post Office Amenity Survey:

In response to Project HotSpot (well, not really; the job started beforehand), details were added to a couple of the Inland Empire's tourist attractions and a small family fun center:

Old Town Temecula:

Pechanga Resort & Casino:

Mulligan Family Fun Center:

Obviously, much more work still needs to be done along the surrounding areas.

Location: Lake Village, Old Town, Temecula, Riverside County, California, 92591, United States

Temecula, California is well known for its climate, hot-air ballons, numerous golf courses, popular wineries within the eastern countryside, an active historic downtown, and gateway to "Little Las Vegas" (aka Pechanga Resort) at the Pechanga Indian Reservation.

Between last summer 'til now, portions of the OSM map of Temecula have turned from a simple collection of white TIGER street imports into one of the most detailed free maps of Temecula. OSM perhaps now has the most current map layout of the road network within the massive Pechanga Resort and Casino. Much work still needs to be done!

The developing detailed map is and will be done mainly through tracing the Yahoo imagery combined with local knowledge, recording data while riding the roads as a passenger, and conducting detailed surveys.

Location: Villa Del Sol, Old Town, Temecula, Riverside County, California, 92590, United States