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Sonam Tshewang's Diary

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Department of Disaster Management (DDM) , Thimphu Municipality (TT) and BSc. Environment Management, Royal Thimphu College (RTC) and the Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific (OMH-AP)


Since OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the most accessible data for individuals and agencies for map visualization, geospatial analysis, research, and decision-making, the DDM and TM conducted a one-day session on using spatial data in urban planning and humanitarian efforts. During this session, students learned how to update or contribute point data or Point of interest (PoIs), such as shops, offices, and hotels, to OSM using a mobile app called Organic Map. A session was also included by Mr. Mikko from OMH-AP, the Philippines.

Session on OSM

Who maps the most

For a duration of five days after students were taught how to update OSM, they were encouraged to do mapping by declaring mobile data as prizes for top contributors. Students mapped up to 590 PoIs over 5 days, likely during their time off from college in Thimphu, Bhutan.