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Public GPS Traces from Sam Wilson

by Sam Wilson in osmand, bus route, unedited

Bus 292 from Redcliffe to the airport.

by Sam Wilson in osmand

2021-09-03 footpaths only

by Sam Wilson in osmand

2019-04-24_12-29_Wed Shenton Park to the pub

by Sam Wilson in osmand

2019-04-02_16-52_Tue Walking path in South Freo

by Sam Wilson in Australia, Western Australia, Fremantle

A walk in Fremantle

by Sam Wilson in osmand


by Sam Wilson in Fremantle, Western Australia

A walk.

by Sam Wilson in power, Rottnest, Western Australia

Walking a power line.

by Sam Wilson in buses, Rottnest, Western Australia

Rottnest bus route

by Sam Wilson in South Fremantle, Western Australia

a short stroll down the street

by Sam Wilson in Spearwood, Western Australia

A walk through Spearwood with GPS and camera.

by Sam Wilson in cycling, Busselton, Western Australia

Cycling through Busselton.

by Sam Wilson in Beaconsfield, Western Australia, Fremantle, Spearwood

Walking through Manning Reserve, part II.

by Sam Wilson in Fremantle, Western Australia, Manning Park, Beeliar Reserve

A sunday walk through Manning Reserve

by Sam Wilson in Denmark, Western Australia

A walk on heath near Ocean Beach (rock hopping and bush bashing removed).

by Sam Wilson in Bibulmun Track, Denmark, Western Australia

Up the Bibulmun Track towards Monkey Rock; some deviation from the route currently in OSM (not that I'll change that).

by Sam Wilson in Denmark, Western Australia

Down the Denmark River to trace the bank at Rivermouth Caravan Park.

by Sam Wilson in Denmark, Western Australia

Walking around Denmark

by Sam Wilson in Bencubbin, Western Australia

Part IV

by Sam Wilson in Bencubbin, Western Australia

Part 3