
Public GPS Traces from Rick Morales

by Rick Morales

Trail along Tus River, Albacete.

by Rick Morales in Transporte_público, Rutas_urbanas_David, Loma_Colorada

GPS traces follow the public transport route Northbound from Loma Colorada to the Terminal, and then back Southbound to the station.

by Rick Morales in Acatenango, hiking

Ascent and descent from volcano Acatenango

by Rick Morales in El_Patrocinio

Finca y Reserva El Patrocinio, Guatemala

by Rick Morales

Cataratas de la Igualdad

by Rick Morales

From Coatepeque to Topache via El Tumbador

by Rick Morales in RRL, red_de_rutas_libres

2021 updated track of Cerro Pechito Parao

by Rick Morales in RRL, Gamboa_Rainforest_Resort, San_Antonio

Gamboa Resort trail to San Antonio

by Rick Morales in RRL

Red_de_Rutas_Libres en Bocas del Toro y Golfo de Chiriqui

by Rick Morales in RRL, Red_de_Rutas_Libres

Red de Rutas Libres, Old Point to Long Beach

by Rick Morales in Red_de_Rutas_Libres, Taboga

RRL old trail along the southern crest ridge of the island of Taboga

by Rick Morales in RRL_Cerro_Pechito_Parao

Red de Rutas Libres, senderos al Cerro Pechito Parao

by Rick Morales in RRL, red_de_rutas_libres

Ruta de playa en Isla Cañas

by Rick Morales in manglar, Isla_Cañas, RRL

Red de Rutas Libres, vía de paso en manglar entre Isla Cañas y tierra firme

by Rick Morales in RRL, red_de_rutas_libres

Private property in Madroño, near Playa Venao

by Rick Morales in RRL_Chorcha

Road and paths up to the Chorcha Plateau in Chiriqui Province.

by Rick Morales in RRL, red_de_rutas_libres_Lagunas

Red de Rutals Libres, senderos alrededor de las Lagunas de Volcán

by Rick Morales in RRL, red_de_rutas_libres

Red de Rutas Libres - algunos trillos que conectan las comunidades de Paso Ancho y Las Perlas muy próximas al cañón del Río Chiriquí Viejo.

by Rick Morales in RRL_Taboga

Red de Rutas Libres - Taboga trail SE

by Rick Morales in RRL_Barranco_Colorado

Red de Rutas Libres Barranco Colorado sendero al Picacho