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Public GPS Traces from PlaneMad

by PlaneMad

route to kek

by PlaneMad


by PlaneMad


by PlaneMad

hamirpur NIT

by PlaneMad


by PlaneMad

dont know any more

by PlaneMad

second two crossings is the long part, we went the shortcut. long break is the temple at the river. end is thepowerhouse.

by PlaneMad

from water to "the lunch place" with the tree.

by PlaneMad

mohinda hut

by PlaneMad

mohinda hut middle part

by PlaneMad

mohinda hut last bit

by PlaneMad


by PlaneMad

norbulinka ghoomakad mapping

by PlaneMad in osmand


by PlaneMad in assam, arunachal, india

nh52 and nh52a from guwahati to itanagar

by PlaneMad in india


by PlaneMad in india


by PlaneMad in india

ahmedabad bangalore train ride garib rath

by PlaneMad in cuttack, bubhaneshwar, rajnagar, puri, konark, satapada, chillika, balugaon

orissa coast around chillika

by PlaneMad

kanpur, antargange