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On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

Just found this on FDOT’s 2013 map: “A single WHITE solid line discourages crossing but does not prohibit crossing.”

PS: I’ve been banned from OSM. Because Benghazi.

Would there be any use for a builder=* tag?

My thought is that home buyers (both new and used) might be interested in buying a home from a certain builder. I don’t know how common this is, though.

Would there be any use for a builder=* tag?


On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

I’m in Orlando, and you seem to be in Toronto…?

Street name not on any signs but used in an address?

I don’t think name=Disney’s Pop Century would be appropriate on the road, since that’s the name of what the road leads to, not the road itself.

On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

PS: I do apologize for the hell comment. That was uncalled for.

On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

Linked here for possible future use: What’s the point of the southbound left turn lane if not for U-turning into the right turn lane (thereby crossing a solid white line)?

On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

I did consult with Paul first.

On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

I don’t apologize for trying to do the right thing. Especially not with eejits like Steve A trying to profile me as a sociopath who’s in it for the conflict. If I were religious I could take comfort in his going to hell, but nah.

On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

I seem to have flipped from manic (“I can stop a bully with logic!”) to depressive (“what the hell was I thinking”) in the past few hours. Don’t bother me unless kicking a man when he’s down makes you feel bigger.

On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

Stereo: yes, if crossing the white line is forbidden, then the turn restriction should be there. But Florida has adopted the MUTCD, which does not forbid crossing single white lines:

In fact, where FDOT wants to ban changing lanes, they correctly use a double white line (I was here about a month ago, and got trapped in the right lane, meaning that I had to turn right and U-turn):,-82.693094&spn=0.008648,0.016512&gl=us&t=m&z=17&layer=c&cbll=27.898372,-82.693102&panoid=7QxqWamyOAk4G0eUvM6tOw&cbp=12,193.68,,1,3.71

On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

And Paul has indeed gone down the road of denial: “Pretty rich coming from someone who hasn’t ever been in the field.”

I invite anyone who thinks it’s a straight movement to come visit me and drive it together. Because looking at it on the ground it’s definitely a left turn into the rightmost lane.

On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

alexz: which is what I did. goldfndr: yes. All lanes on Buena Vista get a red.

On implied turn restrictions and armchair mapping

dale_p: I can find no basis in law for that passage in the Florida Driver’s Handbook.

compdude: what other drivers? Those stopped at the light?

mapping the greyhound.

If Greyhound stops on the corner with no real infrastructure of its own, that’s highway=bus_stop (or whatever the new scheme says). If they have a separate building, that’s amenity=bus_station. Individual bus bays within the station are highway=bus_stop.

See here (which is a local public bus station, but the idea is the same):

Potlatch 2 simple mode hides too much

What patch? I don’t program.

"Sierra Mountains"?

And none of those is called “Sierra Mountains”. Was there a point to your comment?

Can someone explain this routing problem?

Huh? Whatever these ‘small components’ are supposed to be, they’re certainly not clustered around the routing.

Say what?

Not usually named after one of its tenants, that is. Generally only named as such if that tenant is the owner or the primary user.

Say what?

For me, it would depend on whether a customer could walk up and do business, or whether this person simply works from home and maybe invites clients over after creating a working relationship.

As for the specifics, this seems to be a multi-tenant building. This can be problematic even in the case of a typical office building, but certainly a building is not named after one of its tenants.