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Public GPS Traces from MattPerry

by MattPerry

Hog Island

by MattPerry in mtb

Sandy ridge

by MattPerry

MtHood 15/8 mile

by MattPerry

Pioneer Bridal and Timberline to town

by MattPerry

white pine recon

by MattPerry

Buckhorn-Donner Ride

by MattPerry

Donner Pass hike

by MattPerry

bobcat ridge trails (plus others)

by MattPerry

lory run 20100904

by MattPerry

Horsetooth - Wathen - Lory ride

by MattPerry

soapstone prairie natural area fort collins

by MattPerry

horsetooth mtb run to rock

by MattPerry

lion gulch hike near Lyons CO

by MattPerry

fort collins foothills ride

by MattPerry

horestooth 20100415

by MattPerry

mountain drive ride