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Public GPS Traces from Martin Ligabue

by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android

rotonda in costruzione

by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android

Novoli palazzo giustizia

by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android

Novoli palazzo giustizia

by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android


by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android

new path

by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android


by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android


by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android


by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete

Pqth via StreetComplete 57.1

by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete

Path to beach via StreetComplete 57.1

by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete

Rail way, careful of gps error due to mountain via StreetComplete 57.1

by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete

Path via StreetComplete 57.1

by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete

Path and stairs via StreetComplete 57.1

by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete

Path via StreetComplete 57.0

by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete

Path via StreetComplete 56.1

by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete_ee

Scostamento via StreetComplete_ee 56.1

by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete_ee

Cycleway via StreetComplete_ee 56.1

by Martin Ligabue in streetcomplete_ee

Gpx via StreetComplete_ee 56.1

by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android


by Martin Ligabue in GPS, logger, for, android
