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Keep Right!

Posted by MagnusA on 15 February 2010 in English.

After not doing any mapping for a while, since I haven't really traveled on any new grounds that aren't mapped already around my area I started directing my attention to 'Keep Right!'. Anyone that hasn't heard about this before should really look at it.

I'm taken a little time the past few days to correct errors marked on the map by keep right! and boy, are there many crossing roads without junction nodes!

This is really something people should pay attention to since this is what OSM needs to get fixed if there ever will be any use for mapping software :)

Keep Right! can be found at


Posted by MagnusA on 25 March 2009 in English.

I know this probebly isn't the right place, but if someone knows why I can't use plugins with JSON on my Windows Vista machine, please tell me.
When I tell JSON to use a plugin it tells me that it downloads it and that I need to restart, but after restart it tells me the plugin could not be downloaded and asks me if I want to remove the plugin from the settings. Even though I can tell that the plugin is in /plugins folder.
I can't put the plugin in the plugins folder by hand either.