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MCDA's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by MCDA

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 238518 HughK

Moravain Graveyard

open 239395 HughK

There is a very nice public path from here around the factory boundary fence on the west side . Well surfaced tarred path. Coming out at Lisnafillon Lane and onto the Russellstown Road

closed 4131511

Misspelt - correction - Adrian Heights

closed 4131512

Detail - named Millennium Hall

closed 4131513

Detail - named Donagh Weefolk Playschool

closed 4131514

Detail - St Patricks Church

closed 253648 HughK

There is a lovely mature forest (mostly beech) here with walks through it.

closed 2123259

Sports direct is in incorrect position

open 402533 MCDA

stream flowing wrong way

closed 961334 MCDA

What is going on here?!

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