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Kris Lucius's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Kris Lucius

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3083243 Kris Lucius

I'm curious if there is a better way to note Paseo Boricua. It is an alternate name and overlay to this part of Division Street, but in OSM it is currently mapped as a second path laid atop Division Street, and marked as "no" for car access, which is in accurate. In Wandrer it shows up as two perfectly overlapped "bikeable" paths, and thus can not ever by achieved on those map. Should the "Paseo Boricua" section of Division Street be its own segment and have an alternate name listed?

closed 2643782 Kris Lucius

From here to Ashland Street West 39th Street is signed as a private way and closed to public

closed 2652893 Steven Vance

All of the buildings here, part of St. Edmund's Oasis, need to be drawn in, with addresses. A field visit is necessary to see the addresses, as the building permits do not list the address for each unit.

closed 2643810 Kris Lucius

The Weber Spur Trail doesn't exist here (yet!)

closed 2643789 Kris Lucius

The Weber Spur Trail doesn't exist here (yet!)

closed 3061757 Kris Lucius

Should the bike lanes on Harrison really be classified as "Cycleway"? The wiki seems to suggest no, and other similar cycle facilities around Chicago aren't mapped as such.

I'm new to editing and not bold enough to just change it.

closed 1944645 skorasaurus

to do, duplicate pois of the bakery here.

closed 2443637 satyav

City lit closed, sadly.

closed 2643773 Kris Lucius

Riverwalk does not pass eastward through building as shown--covered bikeway stays on west side of 758 one river place and follows the peach/pink dashed line around bridge mechanical area and continues northward as partially covered on west side of Montgomery Ward building.

closed 2643774 Kris Lucius

Riverwalk does not pass eastward through building as shown, stays on west side of Montgomery Ward building, partially covered