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Public GPS Traces from Jarrardi

by Jarrardi in construction, subdivision, Middleton Idaho

Access path under construction from Hidden Mill subdivision to walking path

by Jarrardi in construction, subdivision, Middleton Idaho

Fence just completed along perimeter of Hidden Mill subdivision, including access pathways (under construction) to walking path

by Jarrardi in construction, walking

Walked all the roads under construction in River Walk Crossing subdivision Phase II (except Sawtooth Avenue, which is a different trace)

by Jarrardi in construction, walking

Walked the portion of Sawtooth Lake Drive still under construction (River Walk Crossing subdivision Phase II)

by Jarrardi in construction, subdivision, Middleton Idaho

River Walk Crossing (or River Walk Ranch?) subdivision, phase 2 portion of Sawtooth Road/Drive/Street/Avenue/whatever. The road has been dug, but mostly not even filled, much less paved.

by Jarrardi in construction, subdivision, Middleton Idaho

River Point subdivision, phase 1, just after the roads had been paved and sidewalks installed. This is an incomplete walkover, mostly for matching up to aerial imagry later.

by Jarrardi in construction, walking path

The newly constructed portion of the walking path along Hidden Mill subdivision.

by Jarrardi in construction, path

Middleton River Walk, phase 1 (built) and phase 2 (under construction)

by Jarrardi in path

Middleton River Walk West of Boise River Bridge

by Jarrardi in path

Followed the course for the river walk, and also accidently documented my desperate attempts to escape all the dead ends I kept finding.

by Jarrardi in construction

Tracing the area around the new Dairy Queen, which is currently just a foundation and some curbs.

by Jarrardi

Walking Bozic during Collision construction

by Jarrardi in foot path, terrible GPS signal

Walking Path by Salem hotels

by Jarrardi in construction, Middleton River Walk

Middleton River Walk (the section that has been built) and the subdivision sidewalks.

by Jarrardi in construction, Middleton Road Extension Project, Middleton Idaho USA

Crosswalks on Middleton Road roundabout

by Jarrardi in construction, Middleton Road Extension Project, Middleton Idaho USA

Islands on Middleton Road roundabout

by Jarrardi in construction

Middleton Road Roundabout sidewalks are in

by Jarrardi

GPS trace of the sidewalks surrounding the newly-completed roads of Carlton Meadow subdivision, Middleton, Idaho.

by Jarrardi in construction, The Mill At Middleton subdivision, Middleton Idaho USA

A walking trace of the new roads at "The Mill At Middleton" construction project.

by Jarrardi

Walking on the walking trail around Duff Pond, Middleton, Idaho. Most of it is more like a game path than a trail.