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Henri Willox's Diary

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mapsforge updated :o)

Posted by Henri Willox on 12 February 2011 in English.

The overall goal of mapsforge is to provide a free and open toolbox that enables the community to easily create new OpenStreetMap based applications. Provided tools and APIs include solutions for map rendering, route planning and navigation, POI indexing and search, map overlays and more.


Henri Willox

Merkaartor 0.17.2 :o)

Posted by Henri Willox on 12 February 2011 in English.

Due to regressions causing TMS and remote control crashes in 0.17.1, here is Merkaartor 0.17.2

The changelog since 0.17.1 is:
FIX : Crash when using TMSes
FIX : probable fix for remote control crashes
FIX : Harden Filter Editor
FIX : Unblock indexing after an aborted doawnload, too
FIX : crash with --ignore-preferences
FIX : Crash when creating a tag template based upon an empty one

Henri Willox

BIMserver Release 1.0 :o)

Posted by Henri Willox on 6 February 2011 in English.

After 5 RC BIMserver (Building Information Modelserver) 1.0 is out :o)

From their blog:

A small selection of stuff we are proud of:

‘Intelligent’ merging of IFC data;
User specific RSS feeds;
Geolocate your BIM project using openstreetmap;
Easier Google Earth link;
More query and filter options;
Better and more intuitive ‘early warning system’ (for concurrent engineering);
Enhanced user control and authentication;
ifcZIP upload and download;
Tested for ‘BIM in the Cloud’;
More options for fine-tuning the configuration;
Lots of improvement on the webservice interfaces;
Improved security;
WebGL browser based IFC viewer (very beta);
Better and more monitoring and logging of the server (for administrators);
More BIM and GIS integration (geoBIM);
Automatic e-mail on clashdetection of your models;
COBie export;


Henri Willox

ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap 1.1 Beta 3 is out :o)

From the site: "The ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap is designed to help ArcGIS Desktop 10 users to become an active member in the growing community of users building an open and freely available database of geographic data.

The provided tools allow you to download data from the OSM servers and store it locally in a geodatabase. You can then use the familiar editing environment of ArcGIS Desktop to create, modify, or delete data. Once you are done editing, you can post back the edit changes to OSM to make them available to all OSM users."

Henri Willox

Open JavaScript SDK

Posted by Henri Willox on 26 January 2011 in English.

And another one :o)

"OpenStreetMap has already changed the face of mapping, and it continued its march on today as a potential main data source for a real-time navigation application. Because OSM is to be taken seriously, we are proud to release our very first Open SDK!

This toolkit grabs the Open tiles created from OpenStreetMap and allows developers to add interactivity to their maps, generate Points of Interests, produce advanced routing between two or more points, do a Nominatim search, plus numerous other features found on

To get started with your own mapping application, simply follow the Basic Map documentation, then spruce it up by adding Controls and POIs/InfoWindows. Like all of MapQuest’s other Open Initiatives, an AppKey is not necessary and you’ll be able to dive directly into the SDK."

Open Aerial Tiles

Posted by Henri Willox on 26 January 2011 in English.

Another announce from MapQuest:

"currently offers global imagery at a 30-meter resolution and up to 1-meter for the United States. The service itself is still very much in its early stages as we continue to augment the initial dataset with more and improved data.

However, if you’d like to begin using the Open Aerial Tiles now or in the early stages, the process is very similar to using OpenStreetMap tiles. The only change needed would be the tile URLs."

OpenStreetMap Tile URL:
MapQuest-OSM Tile URL:
MapQuest-Open Aerial Tiles URL:

Android: Geopaparazzi 1.2 free :o)

Posted by Henri Willox on 29 December 2010 in English.

With the release of the version 2.0.0, HydroloGIS offer freely the 1.2 version :o)

From their blog: "With this release we also decided to release the old version for free in the market, so if you search for geopaparazzi or geopaparazzi 1, the free version should appear ready to be installed."


Merkaartor 0.17.0 :o)

Posted by Henri Willox on 27 December 2010 in English.

Merkaartor 0.17 is out :o)

- French Cadastre plugin
- Bing Maps plugin
- GDAL raster background plugin
- Printing and exporting to PDF/raster/SVG
- Extrude interaction for ways
- Filter system
- Toolbar editor (create/modify tollbars)
- Allow to align background image with +pan
- When opening/importing, always fallback to GDAL if available. Allows to open most GDAL supported geomtery files
- Styles : allow to texture areas with an icon
- Auto-add "source" tag when drawing over a background map; define the value in the WMS and TMS editors
- .... :o))
