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Head's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Head

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Aller Anfang ist schwer

Willkommen bei OSM :)

Bis du ein GPS-Gerät hast, kannst du ja einmal versuchen, aus Bing-Luftbildern abzuzeichnen. Die Bilder sind in deiner Gegend zwar nicht besonders detailliert, aber vielleicht reicht es, um größere Gebäude einzuzeichnen.

Just finished the labyrinth of the drielandenpunt

Looks nice. But don't forget that you have to exit through the gift shop ;)

Greetings from Aachen...

fustrated with Potlatch

@flaimo: you can copy an object, then press Ctrl-Shift-V to copy its attributes to another object.


Erstelle pro Linie zwei Relationen, eine pro Fahrtrichtung. Das ist viel besser wartbar. In Aachen sind wir gerade dabei, das entsprechend aufzudröseln.

Tagging cycleways as oneway=yes

@Andrew: In Germany, you are not allowed to ride on the left-side cycleway, unless there are signs that explicitly allow using it. Of course I wouldn't tag a left-side cycleway as oneway=yes when there are such signs.

In the UK, the situation is quite different, as (from what you've written) the law seems to be less restrictive concerning cycling on the opposite cycleway.

Дороги дороги мне.

Take a look at Kreuz Kaiserberg in Duisburg, Germany. It's also interesting to see that, just south of the intersection, the Zoo is split by the autobahn.