
Public GPS Traces from Garrick

by Garrick

Lower Arroyo Seco trail

by Garrick

Griffith Park in Los Angeles, CA

by Garrick

west side of Runyon Canyon

by Garrick

Amir's garden in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA

by Garrick

walk from carousel parking

by Garrick

walk from carousel parking

by Garrick

Griffith Observatory trail to near bird sanctuary

by Garrick

Santa Monica beach park north of pier

by Garrick

walking the lower path in the south west corner of Griffith Park in Los Angeles,CA

by Garrick

walking and driving around Griffith Park

by Garrick in griffith, park

Griffith to cedar grove

by Garrick

Runyun canyon 1

by Garrick in Santa, monica, pier

Santa Monica pier and northern walkway