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Mapper since:
June 25, 2012
Last map edit:
March 16, 2024

Hallo Visitor,

i’m a electrical and software engineer with focus on embedded systems and telecommunication, and a free software sympathizer (see gnu and fsf).

I have found OSM project when i was looking for a free map for a transportation software system.

Now, OSM it’s my hobby!

For mapping i use:

Main area of mapping are

  • North Albania (full-time) by different sources (by foot, bike, on occasion by auto, satellite, local people references, literature)
  • Graz/Austria (partly)

Second area of mapping (primary validating data)

  • Albania (the rest; partly)
  • Montenegro (minimal/partly)
  • Kosovo (minimal)
  • Macedonia (minimal)
  • Greece (minimal)

OpenStreetMap Albania on Facebook

Wikiproject Austria

Wikiproject Albania

Geo Tagged Photos (from FLICKR to MAPILLARY)

Due to the change of free accounts by flickr on 03/2019, all my photos (over 20.000) there will be uploaded there. In the future all my pictures taken for mapping openstreetmap will be uploaded/published on mapillary.

Check it out! The ranking list and many more statistics about OSM-Project


You can contact me for any questions about osm (in Albania) and generally for newbies problems with mapping in english, german, albanian.

Otherweise please subscribe the mailinglist above *