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David ColbyHutchison's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by David ColbyHutchison

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3626180

Building is called WCC Heiner

closed 2408136

Hall road no longer crosses through the railroad track. There is now a train inspection station blocking the path.

closed 2567242

This road's name is Sheridan Trail.

closed 2567241

This street name is incorrect.This street is actually named Lakeshore Road.

closed 1774615 Alan

Need to confirm if Indiana Street actually extends this far, or if this is a TIGER error.

closed 1878862 DunbarLoop

connecting service road (driveway) from Stuart Road to parking lot needs to be added

closed 2356474 Eric Abrahamsen

This is Hilda Lane

via StreetComplete 22.3

closed 1705449 Artorias7

This walkway tower/bridge has been closed since 2016.

closed 659279 Glassman

New user added an ATM machine along side of Chuckanut drive. I don't recall ever seeing one along the drive.

Need to verify.

closed 1301278 Tdog62

Public Park

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