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Claudius Henrichs's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Claudius Henrichs

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Wenn ich dich richtig verstehe meinst du mit "Ich habe mir mal erlaubt das tagging von maxspeed in Deutschland etwas anzugleichen.", dass du versucht hast die deutschsprachige Dokumentation im Wiki konsistenter zu gestalten. Oder hast du auch schon in den Daten "aufzuräumen"?

Bordighera and Ospedaletti

Ciao Lucio,
Great contributions, congratulation.
Two hints for posting in your user diary here:
- If you write in English set the language to English as well (for this post it's still set to Italiano)
- Add a map link to the area where you uploaded your changes so readers can see updated map near Bordighera with one click.

Mobile Libraries

Additionally I would suggest not using the computer languge boolean terminology "true/false" but rather "yes/no"

Local Bus routes for Huntsville, Alabama

The colour-tag only works if it's written that way. Most of tag names in OSM are taken from british english.

The boundingboxes of all my openstreetmap edits in the Philippines

How did you create this visualization? I would be interested in such a script as well.

Mapping after Hyderabad LUG meet

Adding to Zartbitter's comment: highway=track is for ways that are large enough that a 4-wheel vehicle can drive there. If it's wide enough rather use highway=footway (prepared surface) or highway=path + foot=yes (park way was "tracked" by people walking there and not by officials).

When you are using Potlatch editor you can check if a way is connected at a node if the node shows a black outline.

Is it the 30% for the website that needs to be localised ?

A large portion of the website strings at translatewiki are
1) feature names ("beach resort", "leisure track", "mooring", etc.)
2) administrator strings ("block user", "set block period") that are not visible to the ordinary user
while large portions of the Potlatch strings are used in the editor. So I think it's way more important to translate Potlatch. One can think about reducing the percentage of strings needed for submitting the website translation to trunk. Currently it's 30% for Potlatch & Website, but this goal os much harder to reach for the website.

First Map at Könönpelto, Varkaus, Finland

You did a very good job for a "newbie". Keep up your great work. If you have any questions regarding tagging or OSM in general: Shoot!

Blackbutt & Benarkin Queensland mapped - hurrah!

You might want to use to keep track of roads that you could not finish on the first run. The page allows both to take a note for yourself as well as fellow mappers.

Je découvre Open Street Map/New to Open Street Map

Could you please add a link to your village?

Bagersee, Ludwigsfeld

Ah... endlich wird meine Heimat erfasst :) Gar keine Pause machen und gleich auch den Silberwald und die Feldwege bis Gerlenhofen aufnehmen :P
Wäre toll, wenn du beim nächsten Mal gleich noch nen Link nach Ludwigsfeld zu deinem Tagebucheintrag dazupackst.