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Cannonball2617's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Cannonball2617

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2929032 someart13

Please could you check the current speed limit for this section of road?


closed 2801959 Tateanta

The customer wishes for the parking lot isles to be removed from this area as there is going to be a parking garage built there. Would it be possible to assist with these requests?

Best regards,

closed 2801951 Tateanta

4. This is where the outgoing traffic from the parking lot is going to connect with the Hospital Road.

closed 2801950 Tateanta

3. This is where the outgoing traffic is going to go through from the parking lot.

closed 2801948 Tateanta

2. The traffic is going to lead through this point and around the parking lot.

closed 2801944 Tateanta

It's been reported to us that the vehicular circulation is going to be changing around the hospital soon and they wish to have it reflected on the map.

1. Here is when the traffic is going to lead to the parking lot.

closed 3616671 MSGTG2021-2862

Bentinos pizza

closed 1987508 Minh Nguyen

Amelia voted to dissolve on November 5. It still exists as a village for now under state supervision but will revert to Pierce and Batavia townships within a year. At that time, we should retain both the place POI and boundary relation but retag the relation as boundary=census. (Presumably the Census Bureau will treat it as a CDP.)

closed 2438561 AdamPlayer

This building is nearing completion. Foundation will be visible in imagery soon.

closed 1226170

This hospital has been demolished.

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