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Mapper since:
February 04, 2011
Last map edit:
July 22, 2024

Most of my mapping work and interests involve off-highway work in the desert southwest of the United States (Arizona, Southern California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico). I do a of “off-roading” in either 4x4 vehicles or dual-sport motorcycles. Much of my interest is in the unmaintained track roads and minor/unclassified roads that are unpaved/dirt.

Much of my approach offroad involves using my GPX traces combined with local knowledge and satellite imagery to map new tracks or properly align the existing tracks so they represent was really exists out there. I’l even map those dead-end unmaintained tracks because they’re still important reference points on maps and provide useful navigation information (like “this path goes nowwhere”).

I’m going to tinker around with Mapillary or OpenStreetCam on some off-highway dirt roads and see how that works out. That would be really handy to do instead of having to frequently stops to make notes about road conditions or features while I’m in the field.

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