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Natural Atlas + OpenStreetMap

Posted by Brian Reavis on 11 June 2015 in English.

Yesterday Natural Atlas went live (read more)! It’s a new topo map and guide to the outdoors that anyone can edit. We got tired of bouncing between guide books, sites for campsites, sites for hikes, google, etc when trying to plan a trip into the outdoors. Natural Atlas is a fix for that. It’s a beautiful topo, where anything on the map can be clicked to bring up a page about it (that anyone can edit, add text, photos, and so on).

Topo Map

We love OpenStreetMap. Right click anywhere on the map and click “Edit Roads” to bring up the iD editor to edit OSM. Brandon Reavis and I have been working hard on sprucing up the Wyoming, Montana, Idaho area – particularly around outdoor points of interest (campgrounds, trailheads, etc)