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Arushi Vashist's Diary

Recent diary entries

Week 1-5

*Listed out the all features of the tool and marked out the major ones. Later, I prepared mockups.

*A questionnaire about Tool features was prepared to survey the community members.

*Based on that an interactive mockup of the Export Tool was made and a survey to the community was presented for review.

*Analyzed the survey’s feedback, made changes in the mockup accordingly.

*Features like Visual Tag Chooser, Tree structure of Presets etc. were investigated.

Week 6-10

*Added content to the Export Tool pages.

*Created Python Tag Lists of HDM/OSM Presets.

*Wrote installation guide for Export Tool.

*Tested various file formats.

*Transifex setup - Internationalisation

*Final Mockup -

Week 11-14

*Export Tool Help Documentation

*Naming each functionality, purpose etc. of the Tool.

*Pop-up Info, Github Issues

*Investigating on Styling Files for Qgis.

*Final wrap-up ;)

Future Goals

*Changes in help documentation - screenshots, video etc.

*Promotion of the Export Tool.

*Survey/reviews from the community.

Outreachy - Week Five

Posted by Arushi Vashist on 29 June 2015 in English.

Dear all,

Here is my weekly report on my Outreachy project.

Week No: Five

Target Milestone: Setting up repositories, choosing technologies and studying the code-base, revising the mockup of Export Tool

Summary: Some touchups were done in the mockup, visual tag chooser option was removed and the preset tags were given a tree structure etc.

My mentor Mhairi and me were in touch with Brian to ask him about the Export Tool API and how we could help. We also discussed the Tasking Manager repository and planned to use its existing framework for the Export Tool.

Outreachy - Week Four

Posted by Arushi Vashist on 22 June 2015 in English. Last updated on 29 June 2015.

Dear all,

Here is my weekly report on my Outreachy project.

Week No: Four

Target Milestone: Studying the existing repository of Visual Tag Chooser & Providing survey details


Helped Mhairi with the technical details required for the HOT Export Tool survey. Understood the workflow of the Visual Tag Chooser repository, about how we could integrate it into the new export tool. Thanks to Brian for guiding me in this.

Outreachy - Week Three

Posted by Arushi Vashist on 15 June 2015 in English.

Dear all,

Here is my weekly report on my Outreacy project.

Week No: Three

Target Milestone: Prepare final template for the HOT Export Tool website.


Existing web pages of osm and HOT have a lot of features in common. Keeping in mind the deliverables and present design, a new template for the Export Tool was designed and presented to the mentors. Special thanks to Katja for assisting me in selection of layouts, colors, logos, fonts etc.

Outreachy - Week One

Posted by Arushi Vashist on 1 June 2015 in English.

Dear all,

Here is my first report on the project “Improve HOT Export Tool Help Documentation”. Special thanks to my mentor Mhairi O’Hara for providing valuable inputs and feedback.

Week No: 1 Target Milestone: UI Mockup of HOT Export Tool

Summary: The present UI of the export tool has a lot of page redirections and redundancy. I first listed out the all features of the tool and marked out the major ones. Later, I prepared a mockup of the page.