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Public GPS Traces from Arthur Ter-Grigoryan

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Municipal Police Station via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Playground and drinking water via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Big trash bins via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Bakery and coffee via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Drinking water. via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

#20 kindergarten via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Massage via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Yerevan medical laboratory via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Travelland tourism and tickets via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Soho cargo; David tour tourism, tickets via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Dentist, beauty salon via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

No way. via StreetComplete 45.0

by Arthur Ter-Grigoryan in streetcomplete

Pedestrian road. via StreetComplete 45.0