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Mapper since:
January 04, 2009
Last map edit:
February 11, 2025

About Andres

He is currently the lead member of MaptimeBogota chapter, a group that organizes Mapping Parties (in person) and virtual conferences about the map of Bogota, the capital of Colombia. Also, this group has organized a couple of GeoBeers, unstructured meetings around beers where people talk about everything, and many projects have been defined in these events. This chapter aims to share knowledge about mapping techniques and create a community of mappers to improve the data.

Andres has solved many notes in Colombia and has promoted note resolutions in other Latam countries. As part of this effort, he has invited to Notathons (a term invented by risturiz) to gather together to solve notes virtually. This activity has been replicated in other parts of the world, and he has appeared in the OSM blog for this initiative.

He also leads the OSM Colombian community by empowering new contributors, inviting them to participate in the Telegram channel, creating projects for their communities, and mapping out their needs.

Along with other leads of the region, such as Rafael Isturiz-risturiz, Celine-mapeadora, Juan Arellano-Cyberjuan, Ariel Anthieni-Ariel Anthieni, and Matheus Gomes-matheusgomesms, they are trying to bring together the OSM Latam community. As part of these efforts, they have organized Juntas LatAm, a regional meeting where any community takes the leadership and leads the discussion. These meetings have integrated the community, and this has helped to create the organizing team of SotM LatAm.

Also, as part of this initiative to integrate LatAm, he has helped risturiz build the services around These services have helped create prototypes and documents, organize meetings, and help with mapping projects.

Andres was one of the founders of the Association of Collaborative Cartography of Colombia - AC3, and in 2024 he was part of the board and the legal representative of this entity.

His nickname is AngocA, which comes from the initials of his complete name: Andres Gomez Casanova.

Finally, he is very concerned about social networks’ power, and he has relaunched all social networks for the Colombian community: OSM_Colombia in most of them.

You can find more details about his activities in the OSM Wiki profile.

Andres is a computer engineer who graduated from the Colombian School of Engineering with a Master’s in Computer Engineering from Grenoble University in France and an MBA from Andes University in Colombia.

You can reach Andres on Telegram, Twitter, or mail: angoca a t yahoo d o t com.

Disclaimer: Andres’s daily work is not related to OpenStreetMap or maps. He is a Db2 DBA at a financial institution working from Colombia.


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Organized editing

Andres belongs to the Humanitarian mapping brigade in Latam, which is part of the HOTOSM Hub LAC.

Andres has also participated in some mapping activities with Kaart members like Ciclovias in Bogota, HOT in drone imagery processing, TomTom in Levantando construcciones in Medellín.