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Alan Kemp's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Alan Kemp

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4226947 DorneyLake123

Does this pub have a name?

open 4300228 Alan Kemp

Unable to answer "What’s the topic of this information board?" – Welcome to Watersmeet and the Lyn Valley (Information Board) – via StreetComplete 58.0:

Covers several categories.

Attached photo(s):

closed 3703948 TheUKHighStreet

Cafe Rouge has closed. Has it been replaced by something else?

open 4275524 Alan Kemp

Unable to answer "Do you have to pay to use this restroom?" – Flush Toilets – via StreetComplete 57.3:

These are now closed, not sure if they will ever reopen.

open 4242586 Alan Kemp

Unable to answer "What’s the house number of this building?" – Waterfront (Commercial Building) – via StreetComplete 57.3:

It's a building at centreparcs with a restaurant, kiosk, boat hire, etc. it doesn't have a street number.

closed 3462094 Alan Kemp

Unable to answer "What’s the topic of this information board?" for via StreetComplete 49.2:

The name of the park, contact details for the council.

open 4204593 Alan Kemp

Unable to answer "What kind of seating does this place have?" – on level 1: The Old Mill Tea Room (Cafe) – via StreetComplete 57.2:

I'm not sure which shop/building this was in, but it hasn't been here for a few years at least.

open 4187432 Alan Kemp

Unable to answer "What’s the house number of this building?" – House – via StreetComplete 57.1:

It's a double detached garage, not a house

open 3359505 Alan Kemp

21 quite steep steps from the road down onto the footpath. Ramp access about 10m along from the top.

via StreetComplete 46.1

Attached photo(s):

closed 3986229 TheUKHighStreet

Is this Amorino?

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