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Mapper since:
March 20, 2024
Last map edit:
February 10, 2025

UK users should use cadastrals

This can be found by: * Navigating to the background menu (3 squares on the right side of the editor (called iD for some reason) * Scrolling down to Overlays (after “Backgrounds”) * Selecting “OSMUK Cadastral Parcels”

This shows you land registry parcels and is almost always correct to a metre or two, allowing you to map roads, paths, landsuse, buildings, water (basically everything) far more accurately than if you were to judge by satellite imagery. Sometimes there are anomalies / uncadastraled areas, but you can use your discernment to decide what to do in these cases.

Cadastrals can also reveal places you never knew existed, even if you believe you’re highly familiar with the area you’re edditing!

3rd party websites with useful tools:

Robert’s OpenStreetMap Stuff (missing amenities, public rights of way)

Naptan compare tool (UK Bus Stops)

Food hygiene open data OpenStreetMap tool (food establishments missing from OSM)

OSM Inspector (bad geometry / highway tags)

Osmi (bad geometry / tags)

Nomination QA (bad tags)

Overpass Turbo (finds OSM objects, steep learning curve)

Waterway Map (can highlight bad waterway geometry, also a cool map)

Organic Maps user so focus is on footpaths being correct and with public amenities correctly mapped.

Note Campaigns (England only) :

  1. Pubs without names (doing this found a lot of duplicate pub icons, sometimes forcing the name to not be rendered)
  2. Buildings with historic=manor without names (doing this has found buildings incorrectly labelled with the tag, or tag placed on wrong building)
  3. Highways without Names (OSM Inspector)
  4. Nonsense / meaningless landuse/amenity tags on ways, asking for clarification

Overpass Turbo Editing Campaigns

  1. finding nodes with natural=wood and either making them trees or areas (SE & SW, Wales)
  2. finding irregular uses of farmland=* and meadow=* (UK)
  3. finding irregular uses of landuse=* (England) (left a tonne of notes, also ignored quite a few common but undocumented tags) (ignored: landuse=paddock in birmingham/devon, landuse=leisure in birmingham (there’s too many)
  4. finding redundant uses of landuse= on nodes (ignored farms, quarries, addresses & military after realising there’s a lot)
  5. nodes with building=yes that are either duplicates or can be turned into buildings
  6. splitting farmland ways with a perimeter greater than 50km (arbitrary number) (reveals many erroneously covered houses/farmyards) tbh they should have been removed but this website doesn’t allow that.


  • amenities without building tags that should be buildings ie care homes, churches

  • typos: centER-> centRE ; pavilion/pavilLion ; acComModation

  • note places with [ele~”-“] instead of level=-x (ele is elevation above sealevel)

  • building = manor vs historic=manor

  • check place=isolated_dwelling place=farm, place=residence, building=yes & nodes with only fixmes