
Adib Yz's Diary

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Iran Administrative Boundary Import Project

Posted by Adib Yz on 31 August 2016 in English. Last updated on 21 February 2017.

In the past few weeks, I have been busy with Iran Import Project. After an unsuccessful upload attempt on August 22, 2016, which I tried to upload the level 4 and 6 administrative boundaries of Iran, unfortunately, the JOSM crashed and around 136000 untagged nodes were added to the OSM, I decided to change my approach and follow the OSM import guideline.

After preparing the data in OSM and running validation tools in JOSM, they data finally was ready to be uploaded to the server. There was some missing Persian character in some of the name tags; hence, they were replaced by the correct character.

Before uploading the data, all the previous level 6 boundaries were deleted and level 4 boundaries were kept intact. The upload was executed on September 04, 2016 using JOSM upload by chuck function. After the initial upload, the outer border of our OSM file was deleted and the current level 2 boundaries of Iran were kept.

Currently, we are fixing the relations that share a member from level 2 boundary of Iran.
